时 间 : 5 月 21 日下午 14:00-16:00
地 点 : 二层谷神星(2)厅
主 持 人 : 陆明泉
主 讲 人 : Sanjeong Lee
讲 座 题 目 : GNSS Fundamentals and Civil Perspective on Future GNSS
报 告 简 介 :
In the first part, this lecture introduces the basic principle of GNSS operation, that is, how to acquire PNT information by receiving the GNSS signal. Next, the legacy GPS signal structure and the receiver structure are explained to understand how GNSS works based on the basic principle. In the second part, this lecture presents a new trend in GNSS signal including the modulation scheme and the message structure. The features of multi-GNSS system including BDS are also summarized. Finally, this lecture introduces several issues in GNSS applications, for example, indoor positioning, mulitipath and interference mitigation.
参 会 说 明 :该讲座为年会的学术活动之一,免费向大众开放。为维持会场秩序,请听会者提前 10 分钟入场,并将手机调为震动或静音模式