时 间:5月22日下午14:00-17:00
地 点:哈尔滨华旗饭店407会议室
Recent Development in GNSS Augmentation Technology
主讲人:Washington Yotto Ochieng
Dependency of critical national infrastructure on Global Navigation Satellite Systems
Prof Washington Yotto Ochieng is the Head of the Centre for Transport Studies (CTS) at Imperial College London, Chair Professor in Positioning and Navigation Systems, Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. The CTS is one of the largest transport research groups in the world with more than 120 established staff, researchers and affiliates with an annual turn-over of over UK£10 million. It undertakes research in all modes of transport including planning, demand modelling, design, intelligent systems, operations, logistics, safety, environment and economics. As Head of CTS, Ochieng is responsible for its research mission, strategy and delivery. He has made significant contributions to the design of complex safety critical engineering systems, including space based navigation systems (e.g. Europe’s first mission critical satellite navigation system) and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). He has been either the Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator on many national and international projects totalling more than UK£11 million.
Ochieng’s leadership in research is evidenced by the discovery of new ideas/concepts and their impact both in the advancement of science and practice (his exceptional contribution to engineering was recognised by his election to the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2013). Ochieng has published more than 250 papers, of which 128 are in the leading scientific journals, and supervised 40 PhD students to successful completion. His national and international standing is further evidenced by Fellowships (UK Institutions of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering Surveyors, Navigation, Highways and Transportation); Research evaluation (Member of the Hong Kong Research Assessment Exercise 2014 Panel – Built Environment); Advisory roles (UK Government Office of Science and Foresight on critical national infrastructure, European Parliament); Prestigious appointments (1000 Talent Plan Foreign Expert at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chair Professorship at the Harbin Institute of Technology); Peer Review (Member of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Peer Review College, Research proposal/project reviews – US, European Commission, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Portugal, Italy, Czech Republic, China); and Evaluation of Chair Professor candidates at prestigious universities.